Hello Lovelies! Today I’m sharing my DIY laptop tray. First off I want to say the idea was not solely mine, but rather inspired by Craftsman Drive’s Tray. When I first purchased my laptop I just set it on my lap while working, that didn’t last long before it became uncomfortable. Its called a laptop, you should be able to just set it on your lap right? Those of you who own one are rolling on the floor laughing right now. For those of you that don’t, laptops can get really warm and need air flow to stay cool. So setting them on your lap or something soft doesn’t allow for sufficient air flow. Also my laptop didn’t seem to stay put, either sliding off my lap or sitting at weird angle making it awkward to type. Thirdly I don’t like the scroll pad, call me weird but when having to work for any length of time I find it annoying. I just prefer to use a mouse. If I’m not sitting at my desk or at the table which is most of the time, there isn’t a way to use the mouse properly. So I was on the hunt for a solution. For a while I was using an old nursing pillow and stack of books for the mouse. Not a good solution, it didn’t address the air flow issue and my wrist hurt from the weird angle of the mouse. I needed a laptop tray that was large enough to accommodate both the laptop and the mouse. I couldn’t find anything I liked, anywhere. Then when I was doing the round up for this post, I stumbled upon this awesome DIY laptop tray!

I gess I could have come up with my own design, but everything about this tray was perfect! And why mess with perfection right? So off the hardware store I went. I had everything at home except the tile and handles. I Followed his directions almost exactly, with a few exceptions. I didn’t have the same adhesive, so I used Gorilla glue to adhere the tile to the plywood. And I used a different sized trim than he had, I used what had. For the plywood all we had here at home was some rough cut 1/4″ plywood. So I used some wood filler on the bottom of the tray and sanded it to smooth it out before painting.